Monday 11 January 2016

Head Injury,How to Treat Head Injuries - First Aid Training and Treatment:

What Have To Do With Head Injuries First Aid - Home Remedies:

If you think someone has a head injury, there

are six key things to look for - loss of consciousness even for a short period of time,

a wound to the scalp, a headache, feeling sick, dizziness,

loss of memory, and confusion.

If you do have any concern about head injuries, do not hesitate to call for an ambulance.

Symptoms or possible threats during head injury:

Things to look for with a severe head injury - reduced level of response, loss of consciousness,

water, fluid or blood coming from the ears or the nose, and unequal pupils.

When treating someone with a head injury, sit them down, give them an icepack to hold

to the wound. If you  have no  ice-pack, a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a cloth will do.

If your casualty has an injury to the scalp,

like a bleed, apply direct pressure to the wound.

When treating someone with a head injury, you need to check the levels of response.

Are their eyes open? Can they answer simple questions? Can they respond to a gentle shake?

If they respond to these, then the head injury is probably mild, you should stay with them

until they recover. If they don’t respond then the head injury

is probably severe. You need to place them into the recovery position and call for an

ambulance. You should always seek medical help if your

casualty is over 65, if they've been taking drink or drugs, been unconscious – even

for a few seconds, or if you think they’re getting worse.

Remember, if you’re treating a casualty with a head injury, sit them down, treat any

scalp wounds, call for an ambulance if necessary, and if you have any concerns seek medical assistance.

So remember, get them to take their own inhaler,

if the attack is severe, call for an ambulance, monitor their levels of response. If they

do go unconscious, do your primary survey and treat as an unconscious casualty.

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